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Living in an interconnected universe, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009

15th March 2012

Living in an interconnected universe

The character Dirk Gently by Douglas Adams has a theory of interconnectedness. He believed that everything in this world is connected to everything else in some way or the other. He said that is he was lost, he'd start following the car that he felt was driven confidently and by following that car, he'd reach not where he wants to be but where he needs to be. This shot is somewhat like that. There are a lot of leafless trees at this time of the year and I wanted to take a few shots of those trees with the moon but it turned out to be too dark to capture the trees at all. I went back inside my home and set up the tripod to take a shot of this flower, it is a six second exposure. I would never have thought about taking the shot of a flower in the middle of night, but I did. This is how the moon and the flower are interconnected in my universe.


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