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Ganpati devotee and a part time painter, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2013


Painting the eye of Ganpati, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2013


Look at the intensity, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2013

17th September 2013

Ganpati devotee and a part time painter

When we selected the statue, I met this man who inspired confidence in his abilities and I confessed the same.

"It's because of you that I am getting my statue from here. You don't look like the average guy here"

"Actually I work for a surgical equipment company and I come here to help these guys."

He reminded me of my friends from Tata Interactive - Chetan, Rajesh and Sunita who used to paint Ganpati statues during this time of the year, not for money but for passion and it was clear why this man made me think that this is the place from where I want to get my statue.

So when he walked in after his lunch on the day I went to collect my Ganpati, I shared my disappointment.

"I came here because of you and I am disappointed by what I see"

"What happened sir" he asked with genuine concern and listened to my complaints and assured me of a solution. "Sir, give me a little time and I'll fix this for you."

And he did fixed it, better than my expectations.