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Not a bhakt, just because I post a Lotus pic, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2015

14th October 2016

Not a bhakt, just because I post a Lotus pic

Lord Krishna described Mahabharat as a war of right and wrong, a war in which no one can remain neutral and judging buy how people react to anything nowadays, makes me believe that we are in the midst of Mahabharat again. If anyone says anything positive about Modi, he is a "Bhakt", and if you just as much as acknowledge that Kejriwal has slashed electricity bills, you are an AAPtard. But is it limited to India only? Not at all! You can see this same trend in US as well and the coming elections has just added fuel to fire.

Just wanted to clarify that this is a Lotus in a pond near my home and not a representation of my political allegiance.