Picturejockey in Goa

Berry and a bottle Budweiser beer at a restaurant in Goa, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Berry and Budweiser

So you are Goa, what is the first thing you do? Obviously get some booze. Amazingly enough the hotel where we stayed didn't have a bar. Great business sense they have. So Barry and I went to a restaurant nearby to get us a drink. You get a Budweiser for 50 bucks in a bottle shop in Goa and that restaurant gave it to us for 60 bucks which is very resonable compared to Bombay restaurants.

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© 2009 navin harish - all rights reserved. no images can be reproduced without permission
This Image Gallery has images taken during our visit to Goa from 22nd January to 25th January 2009