Picturejockey in Goa

Manu sitting in a chair outside Bom Jesus Church, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Enough of churches, I want to go to a beach now

Although he didn't complain but you can't really expect a child his age to really appreciate a place like this let alone enjoy it. He was more interested in the beaches.

I have been thinking quite often about it. Like every other kid Manu likes to go out for walsk and drives and so far it has not been difficult managing it. Even going out to buy veggies or groceries count as a drive. He finds ways to enjoy himself in malls as well while we are looking for the stuff we need to buy. But for how long? Soon he will start hating going with us to these places then we will have to bribe him for coming along plus take him to where he wants to go for recreation.

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© 2009 navin harish - all rights reserved. no images can be reproduced without permission
This Image Gallery has images taken during our visit to Goa from 22nd January to 25th January 2009