Picturejockey in Goa

Manu sitting on a rock holding his bag outside Ginger Hotel, Goa, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Am ready to move

We checked out of the hotel on our final day and were waiting for the cab while Manu was showing me different things to photograph including the rock on which he is sitting. The bag he is carrying has his stuff like some eatables that he insists on carrying in a separate bag of his own. Whenever we take a trip, he carries a bag of his own which actually is good since that stops him from insisting to carry our other bags which he can't even lift from the ground.

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© 2009 navin harish - all rights reserved. no images can be reproduced without permission
This Image Gallery has images taken during our visit to Goa from 22nd January to 25th January 2009