Picturejockey in Goa

The mummified remains of St Francis, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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This is where St. Francis Xavier rests

On December 2nd, 1552 Francis Xavier died on the Sancian island while waiting for a ship to take him to Continental China

The body of Francis Xavier was first taken to Malacca and two years later shipped back to Goa. It is said that the saint's body was as fresh as the day it was buried. The remains of the saint still attract a huge number of devotees (Christian and non-Christian alike) from all over the world, especially during the public viewing of his body every ten years (last held in 2004). The saint is said to have miraculous powers of healing, and pilgrims come from all over the country.

The church also holds paintings with scenes taken from the life of St. Francis Xavier. The mausoleum on the top of which is placed the silver casket with the body of St. Francis Xavier (1696) was the gift of the last of the Medicis, Cosimo III, the Grand Duke of Tuscany.

The mausoleum was designed by the 17th century Florentine sculptor Giovanni Battista Foggini. It took ten years to complete. The casket containing his body is made of silver. The holy relics of the saint are displayed every ten years during the anniversary of the Saint's death. His liturgical feast is the third of December.

Information courtsey : Wikipedia

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This Image Gallery has images taken during our visit to Goa from 22nd January to 25th January 2009