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Dilli ki sardi - An image of Manu dressed up in winter clothing in Delhi | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2007
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24th December 2007 :: Dilli ki sardi

As in image this ha nothing special but there are two things that are special in other ways. First, this is the first image I have posted here that is taken using a phone camera. The camera is okay and gives decent enough results if the light is good. Second is that Manu is wearing something he usually don't get a chance to—winter clothing. It doesn't get cold in Bombay and we generally don't visit Delhi in the winters so we don't have too many woolen clothes with us here and when we had to visit north on less then a day's notice, we borrowed a jacket from Manu's friend. Manu is telling every single person that “This is Dhawal's jacket”.