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Lotus, our own Phoenix
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10th March 2007 :: Lotus, our own Phoenix

I thought I was done with dry lotus images but then I found this image and I like it too much to not post here. This image personifies the nature of the lotus. Every part of this flower is useful, the stem is edible, and the seed head that looks like an old fashioned shower are edible too and the petals of the flower are used for medicinal purpose. Lotus is also the national flower on India and it is symbolic of many things including the ability to stay clean even in mud where it grows as it can grow in the filthiest of the water and still stay spotless clean and white and pure. Another remarkable thing is that the seeds of lotus will still produce flower even if planted 5000 years after they were created. I think this gives the flowers a Phoenix like quality…I guess even Phoenix couldn't have risen from his ashes if it had waited for 5000 years.