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Waterfall - An image of a waterfall created in Aarey Colony after rains  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2007
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1st July 2007 :: Waterfall

Indra—the god of rains seems to be spending a lot of time in the company of software professionals and this is evident in his work as well. Instead of working towards a more comfortable schedule, he seems to be finishing all the work in a very short deadline. On 26th July two years ago he dumped of enough water to take care of half of his target for the whole year, this year too he completed about 15% of has target yesterday only. What you are seeing in this shot is a small waterfall created in Aarey colony due to the rains. This is not a river, this is not a drain. Actually there is no water body there at all it is just rain water accumulating there.

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