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Resolution #5: Spend more time with the family - An image of Manu and Mira in McDonalds in Goregaon | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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5th January 2008 :: Resolution #5: Spend more time with the family

The final and the most important resolution is to be more involved with my family. A lot of time is lost in work and getting to the place of work. Whatever time is left needs to be spent with the family. We need to find more things that we can do together as a family to make the most of the time we get to spend together. Avoiding TV is quite high on the list.

This shot was taken today in the McDonald's in Goregaon. As we reached the mall, Manu said "This is where we have burger". After ths shopping it is impossible to get of that place without eating there. He likes coke and is happy to share it with us as long as we don't take a sip. He'd offer it to Mira and just as she is about to take a sip, he'd stop her "Enough, now it is my turn."