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A better tommorow? - An image of a pan stained poster at the construction site of Metro  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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16th November 2008 :: A better tommorow?

Yesterday I was talking about the housing, today I would like to tale about transport. I have written about the problems I face during a commute in Bombay and god is a witness that I have thought about writing on a thousand more occasions but stopped so this blog doesn't become an endless crib session. Anyone who travels in trains knows how uncomfortable the whole thing is. To make things better, the government is making some flyovers and Metro to connect western to eastern parts of suburbs. It may be only my imagination but the same work in Delhi was done a lot more efficiently. During the peak of construction for Metro, the people were not complaining about the disruption to traffic since it was minimized and the whole project was completed very quickly so the inconvenience was only temporary. On the contrary, the problems created in Bombay are much worse. The roads are anyway very narrow and a major chunk of those have been blocked by the Metro without seeing any signs of construction so far.

We are also painfully behind in meeting the requirements. By the time we realise we need to upgrade the infrastructe and act on it, we are already 10 years behind.

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