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An empty bottle of corona and its crown, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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It was fun, but the Corona stops here

5th December 2008

This is the last image of Corona I was planning to post when I stopped posting during the Terror strike on Taj and Oberoi. I have mentioned that I have taken some pictures of other bottles too including Chivas Regal, Fuel Vodka and Smirnoff. The reason I have been in an overdrive is the calendar I am printing using various bottles. It is ready now and I got the first print ready yesterday. I have to make some minor adjustments after which I will get the rest of them printed. I am quite pleased with the results and the others who have seen it are impressed too with some of them suggesting that may be I can sell it to wine shops. Maybe I can but I guess I won't.

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