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White Henry Ford II, Enzo Ferrari and the Ford GT - The history of Ford GT II, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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Henry Ford II, Enzo Ferrari and the Ford GT - The history of Ford GT II

16th December 2008

“Do you want to buy Ferrari?”
“I would rather push a Ford than drive a Ferrari.”
“You don't get me. I am asking if you would like to buy the whole company, Enzo Ferrari wants to sell it?”
“Are you serious?”

And Henry Ford II couldn't resist the temptation. I mean it is hard to resist the temptation of buying a sports car and the thought of buying a company manufacturing racing cars must be like a wet dream come true to people like Henry Ford II who had the means of buying one. Even Ratan Tata whose claim to fame is an affordable small car couldn't resist the temptation of buying Jaguar.

So the negations started and this was way back in 1963. We all know Ford never bought Ferrari but do you know why? I guess Henry Ford got a little greedy and monopolistic. He told Enzo Ferrar, who was to remain the sole operator of his Ferrari's motor sports division that he won't be allowed to race in Indianapolis 500 if Henry Ford buys the company. Enzo got furious and asked Henry Ford to bugger off.

Clouds gathered in the sky, there were loud thunders and lightning accompanied by a heavy storm and Henry Ford looked up at the sky

“Today, on the grave of my grandfather Henry Ford, I pledge that I will make a car that will beat the shit out Ferrari in endurance races.”

The settings have been made a little dramatic, the way it would have been if it were a Hindi movie but Henry Ford II did decided to make a Ferrari beater.

The rest as they say is History. Enzo retained the ownership of Ferrari. Henry Ford went on to make Ford GT that won the Le Mans and in the hindsight I feel we are better off that Ford didn't own Ferrari. Ford had to sell Jaguar and Rover to Ratan Tata; god knows what they would have done to Ferrari if they owned it. More on Ford GT tomorrow.

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