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These are washable but you can't really wash them - An image of my shoes after Manu has fixed the shoe laces | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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6th February 2008 :: These are washable but you can't really “wash” them

There is a paint ad on TV where a child his mocking his dad who is trying to wash a mark on the wall and ends up washing the paint itself. The washable paints are apparently not as washable as they would like us to believe. Then there are lean foods like the oats that is 2/3 carbs, you have fruit juice that is made of a fruit concentrate and water and has no added “colours” but has added sugar and flavour. Similarly these shoes are not leather and when I wanted to confirm this with the salesman he told me these are synthetic and washable. For me a washable shoes are those runners that you can throw in a washing machine. I asked him if that is what he meant. “No sir, you can clean them with a wet cloth.”