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Why can't this be fixed - An image of sand at Aksa Beach, Madh, Mumbai  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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28th March 2008 :: Why can't this be fixed

I don't know anything about sea and the behavior of sand at a beach so what I see at Aksa beach seems to have a very simplistic solution to me. The unsafe areas on this beach are where the level of ground suddenly changes. As far as I think, the surface is made of sand and nothing solid. So one day during low tide take a bulldozer and even out the surface of the sea. I am sure this must have occurred to a lot of other people and the reason it is not done is that it is not practical to do so.

I would like to know two things:

  1. Why is it not practical to do so?
  2. The sand is moved around by the water too. Why have those dangerous spots there for such a long time.
