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Yellow flowers #2 - An image of tiny Yellow flowers on a parked car | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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5th March 2008 :: Yellow flowers #2

Yesterday I was talking about the clients who screw up things today I would like to talk about the client facing people who screw things up. Following are just a few of those things that bug me the most

  1. Commit things without knowing if they can be done or not
  2. Don't understand the scope and are not interested in asking questions
  3. Have no realistic understanding of time line
  4. Knee jerk reactions-In a crisis situation never tell the client "I'll get back to you" and generally say things that are wrong or impractical
  5. Are scared of client like a cow is from a butcher

Do I need to give any clarifications about why I wrote this or should I just skip it? I think I'll skip it.