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My Carbon foorptint is bigger than yours - An image of a peach drink in a plastic can  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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18th March 2008 :: My Carbon foorptint is bigger than yours

A newspaper article mentioned that people in India are not concerned about the environment to the extent of buying food grown using environment friendly process. You know stuff like using fertilizers that are not chemical based and doesn't harm the soil. The article mentioned economy is the prime concern while buying food. My observations confirmed this. The next time I went to a supermarket I realised that such "organic" stuff was stuffed in one corner with few takers as it was expensive and the people have not been educated about the importance of buying such stuff. Take a look around, we still go shopping without a bag, the stores are more than happy to pack our stuff using maximum number of plastic bags as it is free advertising for them so I guess we still have to go a fair distance before we become more conscious of what we are buying and eating.

What made me think of it is this plastic can of drink. I don't know why it is made of plastic because my understanding is this would pollute more and will have less options for recycling.