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The infinity of waste - An image of the handle of plastic scissors   | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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21st March 2008 :: The infinity of waste

The other day I was talking about the carbon footprints. Do you know that India and China are among the non-polluting nations? This is surprising if you see the kind of stuff that comes out China. China has killed a lot of small industries in India by supplying extremely poor quality and cheap stuff. An example of this is this plastic scissor. Things like this are available here very cheaply and they are bought and discarded without any thought. Your kid's birthday is coming and you want to buy some return gifts, the market is full of this kind of stuff that will look nice but is just crap. Energy is wasted in making this and it has only added to the non-degradable waste of the world. If this is what the non-polluting nations are doing, I shudder at the thought of what the polluting nations must be doing.