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Brothers at Aksa beach - An image of silhouette of Manu and Bharat at Aksa Beach, Mumbai, India  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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22nd April 2008 :: Brothers at Aksa beach

After our first visit to Aksa Beach a month ago, it was short listed as a spot we would be visiting again once Bharat and my sister-in-law are visiting us. On Sunday we went there and Manu enjoyed this visit a lot more than the last time. Last time we didn't go too far in the water because we had heard it is quite a dangerous beach. This time due to the presence of other people, we could figure out which are the safer areas and we let Manu do what he wanted. He kept splashing around and had the time of his life. The way he enjoys himself in water, I thing I should take him for swimming classes. Standing next to Manu is my nephew Bharat.