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What's on the menu? - An image of creepers and door handle of a rotting fiat  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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16th April 2008 :: What's on the menu?

You are on your way back home. Your wife has fixed the dinner but still as you pass by the restaurant, you can't help but check out the “today's special” on the menu and if it is something you like, you may even try to take a deep breath to for it's aroma or you may just gulp the water that got in your mouth thinking about the dish. Yesterday while going to work, I was sitting in the first class compartment of the train that is next to the women's compartment. There is about a 4 feet tall metal sheet and a mesh above that till the ceiling that separates the two compartments. As the train reached the VT station, the people who were sitting on the seats closest to the ladies' compartment got up and before moving towards the door, without an exception everyone looked at the ladies' compartment to see what was “today's special”.