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Let me check your pockets - An image of strepsils, a brand of lozenges  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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17th April 2008 :: Let me check your pockets

Andrew Gilbert is a friend of mine who was my classmate in VUT in Melbourne. One day I went to his home and found an empty bubble pack of strepsils scattered all over the carpet. His voice was normal so I asked him if his flat mate had a sore throat. He laughed and told me that it was done by his dog. He found a strip of strepsils and ate all of them. He then told me another interesting incident. He once had a chocolate cookie wrapped in a tissue paper in his leather jacket. His dog could smell it so when Andy went for a shower, the dog ate the cookie. Till today Andy can't figure out how his dog managed to open the zipper of the pocket. I guess this is why they say “Necessity is the mother of invention.”