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Aawara badal - An image of a tree, electric pole and clod in Aarely colony in Mumbai  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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4th April 2008 :: Aawara badal

Indian literature has been just like Hindu religion where we treat everyone with respect and gratitude. For examples we worship almost all know planets and stars in the universe. We worship the rivers, we worship the mountains and we even respect a lot of animals that are associated with some sort of a god like a mouse is to Ganeshji, a bull is to Shiva and so on. In our literature we show similar to animals by attributing them with different specialties. The role of birds like “koel” and “papiha” are well known to anyone who has read even one book in Hindi. Our affection is not just limited to birds only, we are very fond of flowers and other things like this cloud that is fondly called awara or “nomad” and it is not for no reason that it is called a nomad. Looking around you will realise there is not a single other cloud in view and if this cloud was not a nomad, how could it stray so far away from the others.