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Leaves and tyre - An image of leaves in front of the tyre of a rotting fiat  | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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9th April 2008 :: Leaves and tyre

I read a feature in “The Hindustan Times” a few days ago about how parents in Bombay and probably the rest of the country are finding less and less time to spend with their kids. Some people may feel the sacrifice of family life is essential to progress in your professional life and you are not “committed” enough to your career if you have an urge to head back home at sunset. I found the whole thing quite disturbing because I personally would like to be a father seven-days-a-week instead of just on weekend and it will get increasingly difficult for anyone like me to be grow professionally if they are surrounded by people thinking otherwise. To an extent this has already happened and till now I am happy to pay this price in return of the time spent with my family.

As I started writing this, it started getting too long so I posted it on Mental Floss. Don't forget to check it out.