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Let's try something different - An image of leaves on a tree in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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23rd May 2008 :: Let's try something different

This tree attracted me because of the leaves growing on the trunk. I can't hemp comparing it to a mole that has hair on a part of body that generally is free of hair. This remind me of the practical joke that god played on me (and most men of our family). He must have been bored making people that generally had the same specifications. He wanted to do something different. “Hmmm... Let's see what I can do to make this one look a little different. I can cover a larger area of the body with hair and see what it looks like... this is not different enough. I need to do something more. What can that be? Yes. I will remove the hair from the head.“ And he was cruel enough to send that experiment gone wrong to this world.