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Tree with leaves problem - An image of trees at Kanheri caves | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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11th June 2008 :: Tree with leaves problem

You can see all of these trees are suffering from a leaf-loss problem. All but one tree have lost all their leaves. The tree in the center was just like the tress around it. Till he discovered Dr. Usmani's ayurvedic treatment “Bonsang ying yang” for leaf-loss. It is an amazing solution. In just three months, all the leaves that were lost have grown back. You can order one for yourself right now. What is more, if you call right now, instead of the normal price of Rs.9999, you will be paying only Rs.4500. What do you say? A good deal? Wait. Let us make it even better. If you call right now, we will give you a bark moisturizer worth Rs.2500 absolutely free of cost. So Hurry. Call Now.
