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Figs - An image of figs fallen from a tree outside my home in Delhi | copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2008
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10th September 2008 :: Figs

Yesterday I talked about us not being able to calculate our. How do you decide the value things? Is it based on the utility of those things to you or their utility to others? Does an ordinary thing suddenly become important to you because someone is showing an interest in it? Let me tell you an example of this. There is a fig tree outside my home in Delhi. One morning I was with Mira picking a fig from the tree when a woman came and asked me what it was. I told her it was a fig. The next morning I saw the tree was stripped off. I couldn't find a single fig on it and anyone who has seen figs growing on a tree can tell you that figs grow not in pairs, not even dozens, but in thousands.

I didn't pick the fig from the tree to eat as it was not good enough to eat and most of them had worms in them. Still someone didn't seem to care about it and picked all of them. I sincerely hope that her family liked the Fig Ice-cream of the fig barfee or whatever fig flavoured dish she prepared.

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