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A mug of beer, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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My mug is half full

15th January 2009

Photography is my passion and photography is my curse. On Sunday I bought a cold bottle of Carlsberg and poured it in a mug but couldn't enjoy it like a normal person would have. The impulse of taking photographs was stronger than the impulse of sitting in a chair watching TV with a beer in my hand and I spent the next 15-20 minutes taking pictures. After the beer was not as enjoyable, bubbly and chilled as it would have been if I was not distracted with my camera. On the other hand, even after all these days, I am still enjoying that beer while looking at the pictures and will continue to do so whenever I see them so it works out to be even more enjoyable than being in a chair watching TV.

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