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A sunrise I clicked on way to Shirdi, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Let there be light

5th January 2009

Generally I want the first day of the year to be an ideal one, doing things I would like to do for the rest of the year, like getting up early, going for a walk, taking some pictures, taking Manu out for a drive and blogging. This year I did almost everything except for blogging. So here is the first post of the year and start things on a positive note, here is a sunrise as clicked just outside Bombay on my way to Shirdi.

I know the title is very lame. While most people enjoy a slower pace of work at this time, I have a lot going on over here so don't really have the time or thr energy to write someting witty or profound. Wishing you a Happy Year ahead.

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