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A bottle of Chivas Regal 12 year old whisky, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Live with Chivalry

24th February 2009

Anyone returning from an overseas trip has to buy one thing from the duty free shop to complete the journey - a bottle of an alcoholic drink which happens to be a bottle of scothc whisky in most cases as whisky is more popular in India than anything else. Earlier scothc whisky was bought because you couldn't get it in India. Now it is availabe in India but it is still bought because it is quite expensive in India. This bottle was bought by a nephew of my neighbour Mr. Aloke Dasgupta who was kind enough to lend me this bottle for this shoot.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I am trying to get a little more organised, I have shortlisted a few images I will be posting on this blog, it is likely that this week belongs to Chivas Regal.

Chivas Regal on Flickr

Sitemap of Picturejockey : The text listing of all images on Picturejockey can be found here