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Leaf of on almond tree with a hole in it , copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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The leaf with a hole

24th March 2009

This leaf fell from an almond tree in the compound of our housing society. I have see that almond tree by about 5 feet in the last 6 years but very soon it will be cut down to make illegal hutments. Well, not directly. MMRDA is taking a part of our compound for widening the Jogeshwari-Vikroli Link Road. I am told this part will be used to make a by lane which will eventually be encroached upon by people selling all sort of stuff and for making huts.

As for widening the road in concerned, I think it would suffice if they can remove the existing bottlenecks in the road and clear the road of all encroachment in the form of stalls and illegal parking. If all four lanes of the road are used, it should be wide enough.

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