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Christmas tree at Sunset  , copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Sunset at Nanaksar Gurudwara, Nangal, Punjab

10th June 2009

Nangal is a town in Punjab famous for its Bhakra Dam. Apart from that dam, that place has religious importance too for Sikhs and it has quite a few Gurudwaras. This picture was taken at Nanaksar Gurudwara. It is a small gurudwara in very peaceful surrounding. Apart from this there is another gurudwara there called Babhor Sahib which is famous as a spot of meditation for Guru Gobind Singh. Not too far away from Nangal is Anandpur Sahib which is the place where Sikhism was founded and that also has a lot of gurudwaras with relevance to Sikh history.

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