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A bottle of tuborg Beer  , copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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So far...so close

30th June 2009

Most of the pictures I post on this blog are 4X3 unless it is a panoramic shot. When I have taken a lot of images of something, I work with the process of elimination, First I select the best from the similar looking images, then I start selecting the best looking among them and start posting them on Picturejockey and when I feel I have posted enough here, I post the rest on Flickr. So while I was optimising the short listed images, I saw this one and this was about to go in the rejects list till I decided to crops it like this. What is your take on this irregular size?

Sitemap of Picturejockey : The text listing of all images on Picturejockey can be found here