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A tower of coins and two way tape made by Manuraj, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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Leaning tower of Paisa

7th September 2009

A few things Manu likes a lot are scissors which he uses to cut papers, especially tags of clothing. The other thing is the tape. If he gets his hands on any tape, you an be assured, it will be finished by the end of day. He got his hands on two way tape and he used that tape coins to make this "spring". When I saw it, I noticed he has doubled the tape in some places. I told him this is a two way tape and he doesn't have to do it. "I did it to make a better spring", he told me and it did work. When I tried to squeeze it, the double layers of tape did give it a better cushion.


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