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An Indian five rupee note with picture of Gandhi on it, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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A toothless smile

18th September 2009

If a statue is to be installed in Bombay, it will be either a statue of Shivaji or Dr. Ambedkar. If a statue is to be installed in Uttar Pradesh, it will be Mayawati. If a place is to be named in Delhi, it will be Rajiv Gandhi/ Indira Gandhi/ Jawarlal Nehru. If a note is to be printed, it will have the picture of Mahatma Gandhi.

It is how it was in the 70s that if yuou need a singer it will be Kishore Kumar or Mohd. Rafi and Lata Mangeshkar or Asha Bhosle. Now you have countless singers. In future can we hope to have more personalities who will inspire the names of places and find their faces on the Indian currency?


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