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My HTC 3400i smart phone, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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I am superstitious

11th September 2009

I bought a Samsung phone in November 2007 which didn't last for an year. I bought a new phone in December last year to replace it. As can be expected I posted some images of the Samsung on my site and I took some pictures of my new phone HTC-3400i as well. I bought a phone at around the same time for two years and I was about to post pictures of two phone at the same time for two years. Would it mean the new phone will have the same fate and will die on me at the same time? Probably not, but I just didn't want to do it.

Now the phone is going to be an year old soon, I guess it is safe to post its pictures. Here is the first one.

While posting this, I couldn't help notice a similarity with this shot. Can you spot what it is?


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