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A monkey at Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai, copyright Picturejockey : Navin Harish 2005-2009
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“I'll distract them, you get the cameras”

22nd September 2009

Imagine driving around a national park and stopping to take some pictures of a group of monkeys. A normal thing to do, not hard to imagine, right? Now imagine the monkey sitting on a tree, with a DSLR in his hand and taking pictures of you. This is what I felt this group of monkeys had in their mind.

We stopped so Manu and Shyla could see the monkeys and Berry and I got out of the car to take some pictures when this monkey came an sat on the tree next to our car as if he was posing for us. I wondered if they had made a plan that this monkey will distract us and the other will come and run away with our cameras. The next car to have reached there would have been in for a big surprise with monkeys taking their pictures.

This title reminds me of a Gary Larson cartoon of two Grizzly bear standing outside an empty igloo and a man running in the background and one of them was saying to the other "I lift, you grab. Was this concept so difficult to understand".


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