Happy New Year's eve - A beer mug

31st December 2010

Happy New Year's eve

The end of year is here and the bottle shops are doing brisk business and a lot of you must be having plans to get drunk on the night of 31st. I don't know how things are in your part of the world but in Delhi drunk drivers can go to jail. Being a Delhite, I know most of us are sporting enough to take this challenge of Delhi Police in the right spirit. “Oye dekha jayeg yaar, tu chal to sahi.”

I'd also like to tell you that Delhi is the same city where booze worth Rs.10 Billion was sold for new year's celebrations in 2001, 400 extra policemen were deployed and only ten drivers were caught driving drunk.

Point of view - A Chandelier in our staircase

27th December 2010

Point of view

When you are eagerly waiting for something, you can't think of much else and just want the time to go as quickly as it can. When the time does pass, you think about the hours/days/weeks you spent in the wait doing little more than twiddling your thumbs and how you could have utilised that time doing a hundred other things for which you don't have the time now. We are all intelligent in hindsight.

Merry Christmas - Manu decorating our Christmas Tree

25th December 2010

Merry Christmas

Since the last three years, Manu is decorating the Christmas tree at this time of the year. On the morning of 25th, he wake up and walks with a lot of anticipation to the Christmas tree. So far Santa has not disappointed him. Merry Christmas to all of you. Hope Santa gives you what you have asked for.

Almost there... but not quite - waxing moon

21st December 2010

Almost there...

Having an opportunity is great but it means nothing if it is not realized. If it is not realized, it's just a chance you let slip by or something that was tantalizingly close but not quite in you reach. Just like this moon which is almost full but not quite full yet. I am experiencing the same, just wondering if it will ever be close enough for me to grab it.

Colours - Faber Castell connector colour pens

19th December 2010


water colours, crayons, colour pencils and now sketch pens are what Manu is using to colour his drawings.

Our home grown Fenugreek - Mira picking fenugreek from our garden

17th December 2010

Our home grown Fenugreek

In the overcrowded metros like Delhi which packs more than 9000 people in every square kilometer, it is no surprise that every square inch of available space in a housing area is utilized, and if left unutilized, encroached upon. Still, oasis like the 15 feet X 5 feet green patch in our house exist. It is the first time in my and Manu's life and first time in Mira's life after getting married that we have lived in house that has such a luxury. We have indulged in "agriculture" by planting things like tomatoes, fenugreek, coriander, egg plant and a few flowers. Here Mira is harvesting our first crop of Fenugreek.

Is that close enough? - Two Gillette blades

16th December 2010

Is that close enough?

I was wondering why these kind of blades have been discontinued. Is it because they were unsafe? If so, the kitchen knife is unsafe too. I guess this was because it gave too much freedom to the user. Think about it, today if you have a mach 3 razor, you need the cartridge for that, if you have any other razor, you need cartridges for that. With these kind of blades, you can use any blades in any razor. Good for customers but not good for manufacturers as it won't guarantee repeat purchases.

Going a few decades further back, you can see how it started. First they made you give up your cut-throat razor for a safety razor, they got you to exchange that for a cartridge based razor.

Stuck with blades - Gillette blades

13th December 2010

Stuck with blades

Yesterday I mentioned the kind of problems I am facing ever since moving to Delhi. There is another problem I am facing for a much longer time. My monitor is slowly dying. It started with very dark display occasionally when the machine was started. I could fix it by switching it off and on. Now there are lots of horizontal stripes. I guess this can be blamed on senile decay as the monitor is 10 years old. The result of this problem is that I am now stuck with a few images of blades that I processed a few days ago till I but a new screen.

7 O' clock - Gillette blades

12th December 2010

7 O' clock

I feel stupid writing this here but it is something too strong to ignore. I have felt a lot of things are affected by the climate and when I say things, I am talking about things as generic as computers, cars, motorcycles and such other things. When I went to Bombay, I have a hard time with my motorcycle. I had to get it fixed almost every week. Now that I am back in Delhi, I am having a hard time keeping my computer running which seems to develop some fault or the other on almost a daily basis.

Is it just me or have you also experienced something like this?

A blade wash - Gillette blades

9th December 2010

A blade wash

What are the things that you have thrown in your washing machine accidentally? A key, maybe some coins in your pocket? Well, we put in blades in our washing machine. While taking the clothes out of the machine after the wash, Mira called me and showed me a blade that she found inside. Soon she found another one. "Here is another one... and another one."

By the time I had checked my blades and they were still in the bathroom. "Be careful, if you have found three, you will find four more. I guess it is the new pack I bought a few days ago." And I was right; there were seven blades in all that were washed that day. The machine experienced some deep cuts, the clothes however escaped unhurt. Hard to believe, Isn't it?

Munni badnaam hui... - Manu and other kids dancing on Manu's birthday

7th December 2010

Munni badnaam hui...

or Shiela ki jawani. Any song will do as we love to dance. This is a long exposure of Manu and his friends dancing. I have to say that the event was well covered between me and Nitesh who is seen at the left with his camera.

Make a wish... - Man with his birthday cake

4th December 2010

Make a wish...

...and blow the candles. Manu turned 6 yesterday. So far his concept of age is binary. Till day before yesterday he was 5 and since yesterday he is 6 "Now I am two years older than Raghav". Raghav is our next door neighbor who is 4 years old.

We were thinking that the party may not be as good as the ones we had in the past in Bombay since he doesn't have as many friends here as over there but it turned out to be quite a nice party.

The last leg - A Thai coin

1st December 2010

The last leg

The last month of the year is here. I am disappointed that I have not been able to work on the Picturejockey calendar; there will not be one for 2011. It's because I am not able to find time for it and secondly because I have also not found a printer who could give me as competitive rates as the one in Bombay.

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