31st December 2005 :: Peeping
This is the third picture I have posted of a man reading a newspaper in this location. I guess I need to go out more often to find new things to photograph.
30th December 2005 :: Penguin
This was on the workstation of a colleague on Christmas
29th December 2005 :: Chimneys
After posting this image I realised that this may not be as visually appealing as the images I have posted in the past and this holds true for some of the images I have posted recently. I guess this is because I am evolving as a photographer and am willing to experiment a little by comeing out of my comfort zone and take pictures I have not tried before. Oh yes, by the way, this was taken just outside Delhi from a Bombay bound train.
28th December 2005 :: “How are we feeling today?”
Happy...Sad...Mischievous...No matter how you are feeling, we have a mask for all moods.
27th December 2005 :: Diamonds are a girls best friends
Well these are not diamonds and neither are these any other precious or semi-precious stones. These are ordinary coloured stones available in Dilli Haat. Just wondering where would they fit in the list of friends for girls...not very high I suppose.
26th December 2005 :: Aroma therapy : Burning Rubber
The final Harley Image, atleast for now. Among some of the ads that I remember of Harley, one is Aroma therapy - Burning rubber. I saw this ad in a magazine in Australia waiting at the mcintosh agency for an interview. Another one I remeber is from their website said “It's one thing people buying your products, its completely another thing people tattoing your name on their bodies.” True indeed.
25th December 2005 :: “We wish you a merry christmas...”
Well Sunday is Christmas and there is no point in wishing you a Merry Christmas on Monday so I am posting the images for the next two days today only. There is a bonus image for you for christmas as well as I was confused which image to post so I decided to post both of them. The first is the Christmas tree in front of our office reception and the second one is a clay model made by Sunita a colleague of mine. Do let me know what you think about today's pics.
24th December 2005 :: So many road so little time
The second one of the bike pictures. I am planning to post something for the christmas tommorow so the third in this series will come on Monday. What you see in the background in the Leela hotel.
23rd December 2005 :: Live to ride, ride to live
One of my passion is, or should I say was, motor-cycles. I have always dreamed of owning a Harley and so far I have been able to afford only scale models of it. This one actually is not mine but of a colleage who has proudly displayed it one his monitor. This is the first in the series and more will follow so keep watching this space if you like bikes.
22nd December 2005 :: Wankhade stadium
This is Wankhade stadium located in South Bombay. This picture was taken from Marine drive and a couple of days after this picture was taken, India beat South Africa in this stadium. Don't know what was happening there when I took this picture.
21st December 2005 :: How much for the eggplant?
Going out of the home is first on the priority list of Manu. The moment the door is opened, he rushes out. The vegetable vendor is a good friend of Manu, whenever she comes, Manu likes to check out the veggies she has and in his own language he seems to ask the rates of and strike a deal.
20th December 2005 :: In rememberence
India gate was build in memory of Indian soldiers who died in two world wars. This place is lit in the evening and I decided to take Manu there because I thought he would like it. To my disappointment, the lights had been switched off and Manu had gone to sleep bu the time we got there.
19th December 2005 :: God's canvas
Only god can paint at such a grand scales. Somedays the sky during the sunset is way too beautiful to be described in words...hence this picture. This was shot from the window of my office.
18th December 2005 :: Which way did I come from?
A while ago I posted some images of the clay models some of my colleagues have made. This is another one of those. Seems to be confused about something.
17th December 2005 :: Electrifying?
A few weeks ago I went to Bandra-Kurla complex for an exhibition. We had to take a U-turn and after taling the turn, I asked Mira to wait for me in the ar and I got out to take this picture. I like this shot but can't say why
16th December 2005 :: Wings and Tail
Shot on our way to Delhi from the window of the plane at Mumbai airport. Nothing more to write about it except that I like the composition.
15th December 2005 :: Jugalbandi—Lance and Michael
This is an old picture I found while sorting out my old stuff. This picture was taken on the open day of Victoria university while I was studying Multimedia. The guy on the left in Michael Holt and on right is Lance. Michael used to play with a band as well.
14th December 2005 :: Bandra Reclamation
We tried going to Bandra reclamation a day earlier as well but couldn't and finally went there on the 11th. It's a nice place but not a place where you can feel comfortable with your familay as a lot of yougsters are confusing it with their bedroom...well almost.
13th December 2005 :: Fasten your seat belt
When given a hard time, our teachers in school used to confess that it is really frustrating for them when they are making an effort to teach us something and we completely ignore them. I guess the same must me going through the mind of all these people as well “What is the point of all this when not even a single person is paying attantion to me.” is what they must be thinking.
12th December 2005 :: Let there be light
I have posted some images of Diwali last one. I was going through my images and saw this one and wsa wondering why I didn't put this one up. So here it is.
11th December 2005 :: Party
A day before I came to Bombay I met Nitesh and Ritesh in Zen-a restaurant in Connaught Place. It was after a very long time that we got together for a session of booze. It was quite an interesting day. Will write more about it someday.
10th December 2005 :: Four years and counting
Today is our 4th wedding anniversary.
9th December 2005 :: Goddess of Abundance
Brits made ornamental fountains where they went or inspired others to make them. This is one of those called Flora fountain(named after the greek goddess of abundance. Located in the south bombay in a place called, well, Fountain. It was erected in the 1869 to honor Sir Bartle Frere, the Governor of Mumbai. Sadly,due to some rule, it is dry. I have read somewhere that soon it will have water. Let's see
8th December 2005 :: “Reach out and pluck something”
This is Manu trying to pluck some oranges from a tree in my brother's terrace garden. I read about Phantom that his hands had lightning speed and the same is true about Manu. Before anyone colud stop him, he had plucked one. He didn't like the sour taste of it though.
7th December 2005 :: Bluffing and Stealing
These two men sitting on the seats next to mine across the aisle were travelling with complete planning. They didn't want to get bored in the two hour flight (and while waiting for 5 hours for it at the airport) so they were carrying cards with them. I guess tha man sitting towards the camera had the undue advantage of being able to see the cards of his friend in the window behind him.
6th December 2005 :: Wondering if there is god
Lost in his thoughts, this man was sitting on the stairs of the Naina Devi temple.
5th December 2005 :: Sunrise from Rajdhani Express
For coming back to Bombay I took the Rajdhani Express. I was still not completely awake when I was this Sunrise It was amazing and I had to take a picture of it. Although it is completely dark and you can barely make out what is in the picture but I still like it very much.
4th December 2005 :: Subah wali gaadi
The journey from Delhi to Kalka was not very pleasent. The seats that you have are not spaciois enough. The seat that is meant for three people is actually comfortable for two only. Manu also gave us a hard time as he doesn't like to be confided in a small place.
3rd December 2005 :: Happy Birthday Manu
One year has just flown away. I still remember getting a phone call on 2nd December last year and I flew to Delhi the same evening. Manu was born the very next day and our lives have changed for better ever since.I have almost taken 5000 images with camera and at least a thousand of those must have been Manus and selecting 25 for those was a very difficult task. There are so many images that I think should have been included here.
2nd December 2005 :: Tree and Tractor at dusk
As I mentioned a day before yesterday, I have taken a few images at dusk. I guess I have a liking for these kind of images because of the amount of light which is enough to give you a fair enough idea of what it is and at the same time not enough to show details. Initially I thought about removing the power cables and the pole but then I thought that they are making this picture complete and it won't look as good without them, what do you say.
1st December 2005 :: Marine drive at night
On Saturday I went to Lamington Road to check the price of a computer I am planning to buy. From there I went to Churchgate and eventually to Marine Drive. This is a panorama shot I took that evening. I have another one that was taken a little before the sun set I guess I will post it some time later. The bright lights towards the center that are reflected in the water as well are the flood lights of Wankhede Stadium. India played a match there a couple of days later and defeated South Africa to square the series 2-2.