30th July 2013
Money can't buy you love
The team was kicked out of the bat cave and also from Bacardi. They were last heard planning to approach some joker.
The team was kicked out of the bat cave and also from Bacardi. They were last heard planning to approach some joker.
They made a presentation to Batman and he told them to Fuck Off.
Making it was only half the problem, the next challenge was to take it to school without breaking or disturbing it.
A lot tears and sweat has gone it to this model… well more tears than sweat when Manu started crying when he was not able to get it right.
Why "By appointment to" is usually followed by the names of dead royalty?
We got the seeds for baby corn during our last visit to DIlli Haat, we were looking for oregano as well but couldn't find it.
Mira got a few stems and what do you know, there is a flower galore in our garden.
When I stepped out of my home this morning, I saw a crow in my front yard. It reminded me of the crow who used to come to our house.
I have selected some images and have processed them but am having a tough time deciding which ones to post here and which ones to leave out.