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ND Tiwari - defying morals, defying age

27th December 2009

ND Tiwari - defying morals, defying age

If you are 84 years old and a TV channel show pictures of you dressed only in a shirt lying on a bed with three young girls would you be embarrassed or proud? I guess the answer to this is known only to one Narayan Dutt Tiwari - the givernor of Andhra Pradesh and ex Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. I can imagine a lot of other old men in powerful positions calling up ND Tiwari "Tiwari sahab is umar mein bhi aapki tandarusti ka raaz?"

As a young child I heard a slogan "Nar hai na naari hai, ND Tiwari hai." I guess ND Tiwari tried very to forget about it but couldn't and decided that before he dies or before even Viagra stops working on him he should prove, for once and for all that he is a man.

Where is Santa Claus?

25th December 2009

Where is Santa Claus?

I guess a lot of kids are wondering where Santa Claus is right now. He made his stop in our home. It must have been a little difficult form him since I don't have a chimney. Santa Claus came and left a helicopter for Manu. From here he moved on and if you want to know where Santa is right now, you can see it through this tracker.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Will smaller cars really save the environment?

23rd December 2009

Will smaller cars really save the environment?

I don't think so. The ratio of petrol small cars saves keeps going down after a certain size. Take the example of the new Beetle. It runs 10KMs for 1 liter of petrol. The answer is not in reducing the size and engine capacity of your car every year. The answer is in finding an alternative to fuels based on hydrocarbons. The other alternative is to find a different mode of transport, using a bicycle for shorter distances or using public transport like I do (It's a different story that I hate Mumbai trains and use them because there is no alternative).

While talking about Mumbai trains, I strongly feel that a big chunk of the 100 billion US Dollars that is going to poor countries, as decided in Copenhagen for combating weather change should come to people traveling by trains in Bombay. Not only a large percentage of population uses public transport, it uses a fraction of public transport used by people in other countries. Not sure about what I mean. You have to see how a local train is packed during rush hour, every trains easily carries 5 to 6 times of its capacity.

Birthday boy

5th December 2009

Birthday boy

Along with some friends, a couple of cartoons were invited too

4th December 2009

Along with some friends, a couple of cartoons were invited too

Selecting a cake for the birthday can become difficult if the child keeps asking for impractical options.

Hello! Why are you so interested in MY birthday cake

3rd December 2009

Hello! Why are you so interested in MY birthday cake

This is the time when the excitement around the birthdays is at peak as the kids find out what the whole deal is about. For Manu the excitement started the moment he woke up. He got a digital camera he was promised. Ever since I bought a camera for my nephew, he has been asking me for the one as well. My old point and shoot didn’t work so I bought a new one for him and now I am eagerly looking forward to a photo shoot on the weekend when Manu can join me with his camera instead of my phone.

Going to school is another excitement as this gives him a chance to wear something other than a school uniform and sharing chocolates with his friends. Standing in front of the class and being the center of attention as the Birthday Boy is a rush not matched by anything else.

Back home, he was too excited to take his nap and could hardly wait for the evening so he could have his party.

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