November 2012
28th November 2012
Censor or wisdom to choose
What is a better solution in the long term?
27th November 2012
Outsourcing Diwali pains... and joys
It's no longer a festivity, it's a chore.
23rd November 2012
Leave that gaming console, go out and play
If you want your kids to have an imagination, take the remote control from them, send them outs.
21st November 2012
May peace be upon you
The dumping ground has been converted to Indrprastha or Millennium park
20th November 2012
The little LEDs were making very nice little patterns on the wall
19th November 2012
Now I know why these are called Diwali lights
Well, at least they saved me the trouble of having to store these for a full year.
11th November 2012
Diwali lights
I did that on Friday and while I feel it is late, I was the only one in my immediate neighborhood to do it.
9th November 2012
Diwali is on Tuesday and it is already Friday and we are yet to decorate our house with lights.
6th November 2012
Fireworks and season of festivals
To celebrate these festivals, I have created an image gallery of Dussehra which briefly describes the festival. Have a look.
5th November 2012
Even Amitabh Bachchan likes this
Well, I may feel it has a strong smell but Amitabh Bachchan doesn't feel so, else why would he endorse it?
2nd November 2012
Khushbudaar antiseptic cream Boroline
Boroline used to be a multi-purpose cream and was used as an antiseptic as well as a moisturizer.
1st November 2012
You can fool all people some of the time...
To increase the footfall the organizers had approached schools to promote it and the schools for reasons best knows to them decided to play along.